Health and Wellness | Western Technical College

Health and Wellness

Cavalier Student Wellness

Western is dedicated to providing services that promote healthy lifestyles and support the well-being of our students. We create educational opportunities and activities that empower students to live a healthy life, and we strive to make Western the healthiest District in the Western Technical College System. This initiative aims to remove barriers while emphasizing collaboration with students, staff and the local community. Our core values drive the work we do to improve student health and wellness:

  1. Student focused - Focus on the needs of the students, experiences, and positive outcomes.
  2. Data driven - Utilizing data will be a top priority to drive all decisions.
  3. Sustainable - Emphasize sustainability as a key pillar to ensure long-lasting benefits.
  4. Integrity and inclusivity focused - To have honesty and respect for all students.
  5. Fun and engaging.
  6. Implementing the eight dimensions of wellness.

The following guide is a great place to start, or see our available resources by the eight dimensions of wellness below.

Winter Wellness at Western

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center provides comprehensive primary care services for Western students with a valid student ID. The cost for this service is provided by student activity money with the exception of a $10 per visit co-pay and other services that are billed directly to the students.

Peer Wellness Coaching 

To support students' well-being, Western provides free Peer Wellness Coaching from our NASPA-certified Peer Health Educators. To learn more or get started, visit our Peer Wellness Coaching page.

Physical Wellness

Physical Wellness encourages positive physical health habits such as exercise, balanced diet, sleep and listening to your body. These healthy habits are beneficial to your overall mental and physical health. They can decrease stress and anxiety levels, increase energy, and lower the risk of sickness.

Tips for Success

  • Understand what works best for your body
  • Stay active (30 minutes a day)
  • Reach and maintain a healthy weight
  • Become aware of the foods you put into your body and how they affect you
  • Consume alcohol in moderation
  • Get adequate sleep (8-10 hours)

Western Technical College Resources

Emotional Wellness

Emotional Wellness is how we feel about ourselves and how well we can cope with everyday life and stressors. Being able to understand how our positive and negative emotions can affect our daily lives. Emotional Wellness encourages a healthy and positive way to work through these emotions.

Tips for Success

  • Practice positive mindfulness
  • Seek and accept help
  • Find stress relievers that work best for you
  • Accept past mistakes and work to become better
  • Develop a healthy self image of yourself

Western Technical College Resources

Environmental Wellness

Understand how your lifestyle negatively and positively affects the environment. Recognize the quality of air, land, and water that surrounds you and your community and how you can help to make it better.

Tips for Success

  • Learn about your carbon footprint
  • Reduce and reuse
  • Recycle
  • Carpool, walk, or bike when possible
  • Volunteer to help pickup parks, highways, etc.

Western Technical College Resources

Financial Wellness

Finances can be overwhelming and stressful for many people. Learning good habits on how to manage your financial expenses in college can help you be successful in the future.

Tips for Success

  • Set a realistic budget
  • Take advantage of scholarships and student discounts
  • Understand student loans and paying them back
  • Identify and address any financial problems you may have

Western Technical College Resources

Intellectual Wellness

The ability to expand your knowledge, skills, creativity, and being open to new ideas. Find hobbies, and interests that you are passionate about that contribute to a more balanced lifestyle.

Tips for Success

  • Be open to new ideas and people
  • Read
  • Attend workshops or course of interest
  • Find a hobby out of your comfort zoom
  • Travel
  • Interact and learn about other people's cultures and lifestyles

Western Technical College Resources

Spiritual Wellness

Allowing ourselves to explore our spiritual side through beliefs, morals, values, religion, and faith. This can help you find a sense of purpose in life and feel more connected with what's around you.

Tips for Success

  • Find your values, and morals
  • Explore different religions that fits best for your beliefs
  • Meditate
  • Find meaning in your life

Western Technical College Resources

Social Wellness

The ability to build and maintain positive relationships with peers around you. Having a well-developed support system and connections with people can help navigate you through life.

Tips for Success

  • Explore your social needs
  • Learn how to communicate your feelings, and thoughts with others
  • Practice active listening
  • Join a new club or organization

Western Technical College Resources

Occupational Wellness

The ability to find fulfillment in your chosen career path. Understanding how to balance work, relationships, and life is critical for your overall physical and mental health.

Tips for Success

  • Be aware of the variety of career choices
  • Find your passion in life
  • Develop a schedule that helps balance life and your career

Western Technical College Resources

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