Nursing Petition Process | Western Technical College

Nursing Petition Process

Western Technical College uses a petition process to determine acceptance into the Nursing Associate Degree program. The petition process is the method that students follow to inform Western when they are ready and prepared to move forward with the core program courses.

Many other technical colleges have moved to this process, which has proven to help students be more successful. The required steps help ensure that students are prepared for the rigor of the Nursing program, and it allows accepted students to focus exclusively on the core Nursing courses.

At the point of petitioning, students will have:

  • Completed the Western admissions process
  • Completed the program’s prerequisite and testing requirements. See Nursing Petition Requirements for a detailed list of requirements. (Note that students who have completed all general studies and science courses with a C or better will be given priority status.)

Who can petition?

  • Students who meet all of the Nursing Petition Checklist items
  • Current Waitlist students
  • Students who can complete all non-coursework checklist items by the petition deadline date
  • Students in the process of taking general studies and sciences coursework

How are students selected?

Selection for entry into core courses will be determined based on successful completion of ALL petition requirements/coursework (general studies and science courses), and then by application date to the Nursing Pre-Major.

Petition requirements must be completed or be in-progress at the time of petition. Priority for entry into the core courses will be given to those candidates who have ALL requirements completed at the time of petitioning.

If all first-term spaces are not filled by candidates with all petition requirements completed, the remaining petitioners will be reviewed and any open spots will be tentatively awarded to qualified petitioners who are in-progress with the remaining requirements.

The tentatively awarded spots will become permanent only after the candidate successfully completes the remaining in-progress requirements.

Students interested in beginning the core courses in the program must petition during specified petition dates. Only those students who have completed or are in-progress with all petition requirements should submit a petition.

Students will be notified if they are selected for entry into core courses within 21 calendar days of the close of the priority petition window. Students who are not selected are encouraged to petition again during a future petition window. All decisions regarding selection are final and cannot be appealed.

How will I know when I am ready to petition?

Beginning core nursing program courses will require a full commitment. Successful students become immersed in their program of study and are not as readily available for other commitments. You should determine if this is the right time for you to begin the program based upon personal and financial commitments.

Please complete the Am I Ready? worksheet to determine if this is the right time for you to begin the program.

Students should track the following requirements:

  • Completion of 75-hour 2 credit Nursing Assistant course
  • Completion of high school Chemistry, college Chemistry, or Developmental Chemistry with a C or better
  • Successful completion of the HESI A2 Exam

When do I petition?

Students who have completed or are in-progress of their General Studies courses can petition. All Nursing Petition requirements should be complete. Priority is given to students who have completed ALL their General Studies and science courses with a “C” or better. The Petition Process happens THREE times per year on specified dates. Upcoming dates will be posted on the Nursing Petition Requirements.

What will be required in the Nursing Traditional petition packet?

How do I turn in my packet?

Packets can be submitted by either mail, email, or dropping off at the location below. The emailed packet must be one pdf file. 

Paula Berg
Kumm Center, Room 211
Western Technical College
411 7th Street North
La Crosse, WI  54601

Early or late application packets will not be considered. Mailed items must be postmarked on or before the last day of the specified petition dates. Packets that are emailed or dropped off must be in by 4:00 p.m. of the last day of the petition. 

What happens after I petition?

Western Technical College will review the petition forms that you submitted to make sure you meet all of the petition requirements. Students will be emailed a letter outlining their next steps approximately 21 business days after the close of the petition window. Students who are not selected will have the opportunity to petition during the next open petition window.

Communications will be delivered to your Western Technical College student email address.

If selected, you will receive instructions regarding next steps and required items. Failure to successfully complete these required items may result in the forfeiture of the awarded space and the need to start the application process from the beginning.

Students who are awarded a seat are expected to start the core program courses for the awarded term. Students who choose not to begin the core program courses or are not able to begin core program courses will need to re-petition during the next petition window.

Applicants who have completed all their general studies and science courses will have priority admission. If there are more qualified applicants than seats available, the date of application to the college will be used. If there is still a “tie” with acceptance dates, overall GPA will determine placement. TEAS Exam scores may also be considered if necessary.

Have Questions?

For more information about the Nursing Petition Process, contact a College Advisor below or schedule an appointment by calling the Welcome Center at 608-785-9553 or contact your advisor directly via email. Advisors are assigned by the first letter of your last name: