Parking Appeals | Western Technical College

Western Technical College

Parking Appeals

If you feel you have received a parking citation (ticket) in error, you may have grounds to appeal the citation to the Parking Appeals Board (PAB). Appeals will be considered only in cases in which a citation was improperly issued or the parking space was improperly signed or marked.

To appeal a parking citation, you must submit this appeal form online within 15 calendar days of the date the citation was issued. The parking appeal form will be the only accepted form of appeal or documentation for a claim contesting a parking citation.

Parking citation appeals should only address the parking-related circumstances, conditions, where the vehicle was parked, and when the citation was issued. Appeals must provide substantial evidence that the violation in question did not occur or that the citation was erroneously issued.

If you would like assistance filing the appeal, please contact the Student Life Office during normal business hours. Student Life is located in room 100 in the Kumm Center, 411 7th Street North, La Crosse. Their normal hours are:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Wednesday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Western is closed Fridays in July.

During the appeal process the fine amount will remain the original fine amount, until after the appeal has been considered, and the person making the appeal (appellant) has been notified of the PAB’s ruling.

If the PAB upholds the ticket, the vehicle owner will owe the original amount (or reduced amount, if the PAB reduces the fine). This fine must be paid within 7 days of notification to the appellant, or the fine will be increased an additional $20, and will be increased an additional $20 15 days later.

Circumstances that are NOT Grounds for Appeal

  • Personal time constraints (late for a class/meeting)
  • Parking without a permit
  • Failure to display your permit in clear view
  • Failure to display your disabled placard
  • Lack of available or convenient parking spaces
  • Parking for a short period of time
  • Did not see or read posted signs
  • Inability to pay fine
  • Parked in a no parking zone or parking in a driving lane
  • Parking in an EV (Electric Vehicle) designated space if you are not charging your electric vehicle
  • Parking in a visitor space if you are a student or staff member
  • Parking in a specially designated space that you are not authorized to use

Parking Appeals Board

Appeals are reviewed by the Parking Appeals Board (PAB). This board is a separate entity from the Security and Parking Enforcement Office and the Parking Committee. The Appeals Board has the authority to:

  • Uphold the citation
  • Uphold the citation with a reduction in fine, or
  • Dismiss the citation

The appellant will be notified of the board’s decision via email or in writing to the registered vehicle owner’s address, if no email address is provided. The decision of the Appeals Board is final.

The Parking Appeals Board consists of faculty, staff, and student representatives. The PAB meets the fourth Monday of the month during open hour, or as needed, to review any pending appeals.

Meetings are open, however, information or documentation for appeals will only be accepted through the online appeals form, prior to the date of the PAB meeting. Deliberations are made in closed session in accordance with Chapter 19.85 of Wisconsin State Statute.

Vehicle Owner Responsibility

In accordance with state law, the registered owner of the vehicle is responsible for any parking citation and all associated fines, regardless of whether the owner was operating the vehicle at the time the citation was issued.

Citations must be appealed within 15 calendar days from the date of issuance.

If the original fine is not paid within 15 days of the date the ticket was issued, an additional $20 fine will be assessed, and a warning letter will be sent to the registered owner, After 45 days following the ticket issuance, an additional $20 fine will be assessed and a second warning letter will be sent to the registered owner of the vehicle. 

Failure to pay within 60 days of the ticket being issued may result in suspension of the vehicle registration through the Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Additional fees for registration suspension or reinstatement may be assessed and charged to the registered owner of the vehicle.

Students with unpaid fines may have class registration rights withheld until payment is made. Student accounts will be billed if fines remain unpaid after 45 days.

The Student Life Office is available to purchase a parking permit, day pass, or answer parking related questions during business hours.

Student Life Office
406 6th Street North
Room K100
La Crosse, WI 54601