IT-Data and Analytic Specialist Program New For Fall 2024 | Western Technical College


IT-Data and Analytic Specialist Program New For Fall 2024

Data Analytics Web

LA CROSSE, Wis., January 10, 2024 – Western Technical College announced today the addition of a new IT-Data and Analytic Specialist program for students beginning with the Fall 2024 term.

The new program focuses on building proficiency in statistical tools and problem-solving to unveil data insights, build databases, and craft reports. The curriculum places emphasis on cultivating software skills, spanning data-specific programming languages, artificial intelligence, and Big Data. The program will be offered in a face-to-face, online, or hybrid format, depending on a student’s need.

“Businesses and organizations continue to collect and amass large amounts of data, and they are asking for more employees who can manage it all,” said Josh Gamer, dean of the Integrated Technology Division at Western. “The demand for these positions is growing, and Western is at the forefront to providing the appropriate training.”

When considering new programs, the college conducts a deep analysis process called Developing a Curriculum, or DACUM. The process brings local employers together to determine major duties and related tasks of the occupation, look at trends in job opportunities and living wages, and develop curriculum to create successful programs. Other factors include labor specific market data, student interest, and the College’s resources and personnel. Following this process, the Wisconsin Technical College System (WTCS) must approve the new program.