Individualized Technical Studies

Program Number:
Typical Start:
The Individualized Technical Studies (ITS) associate degree is a flexible program intended for students with specific career goals that can’t be met by other degree programs at Western. It is a customized program that allows you to draw from a variety of existing courses in traditional disciplines and programs. You are encouraged to explore credit for prior learning [1] (CPL) based on previous work experience, coursework, and military service training. CPL enables you to accelerate the completion of your educational goals.
Examples of an ITS degree could be:
- Childcare Administration: Combining Early Childhood core program classes with Human Services and Business and Management courses
- Marketing and Design: Pairing courses from Marketing with Art, A/V Technology, and Communications courses
- Criminal Justice Management: Combining Law, Public Safety, and Security courses with Business, Management, and Administration courses
- Business Management & Sales: Coupling Business and Management with Administration and Marketing courses
- Computer Support Manager: Pairing Information Technology courses with Business or Management with Administration courses
Program Outcomes
- Living responsibly
- Refining professionalism
- Cultivating passion
Admission Requirements:
College Requirements
Application Fee:
Program Specific Requirements
To determine if the ITS program meets your needs, contact Kim Panzer, Credit for Prior Learning Specialist/ITS Program to schedule an appointment to review the ITS self-assessment and begin the process of completing the ITS Program Plan. You can reach Kim by phone at 608-785-9873 or by email at [2].
Software and Technology
Most of Western’s classes require the use of a personal computer or laptop, standard software, internet access, and other technology-related items.
If you do not have a personal computer or laptop, or if the one you have does not meet the following criteria, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form [3].
Computer/Laptop Hardware
- Smartphones are not recommended for completing assignments.
- Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues with installing software that is needed for classes, such as Office 365.
- Web camera with microphone (usually built into newer laptops or can be purchased separately) is necessary for online participation.
Software Needs
- Western uses the Blackboard Learning Management System. Some courses may use Zoom or Microsoft Teams to meet and work virtually. Visit our website for guidance on how to access and use these tools [4].
- Office 365 (available to download for free once you have a student email)
- Recommended web browsers: Chrome or Firefox
For detailed specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes [5] on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.
Campus Resources
- Western has several computer labs available. Visit our website to find open hours and locations on the La Crosse campus [6]. Or find information on how to access resources on our Regional Locations web page [7].
- The Learning Commons has computers, webcams, and microphones available for in-house use. Our librarians recommend checking your local public library for computer access on the weekends. Staff members can also provide information on free, off-campus Wi-Fi spots. Contact them at [8] or call 608-785-9198.
Need Assistance?
- Contact the Learning Commons [9]! The staff are happy to answer questions, provide individualized assistance, and direct you to other supports as needed.
Additional Information
- A minimum of 20 Core Credits must be focused in one discipline. A discipline is described as a program cluster:
- Agriculture, Foods and Natural Resources
- Architecture and Construction
- Art, A/V Technology and Communications
- Associate of Arts and Science
- Business, Management and Administration
- Education and Training
- Finance
- Health Sciences
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety and Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
- A minimum of 25% of the total program requirements must be earned at Western Technical College.
- Time and completion of the ITS program is dependent on course offering options and your individual schedule.
- The program is intended for currently employed individuals who have specific career objectives not met by Western Technical College’s existing degree programs.
- The Adult Learning Specialist and an Occupational Advisor are required to assist with the development of the curriculum sequence and guide the student toward their career goals.
General Studies |
Credits |
Behavioral Science (Select one) 809-198 Introduction to Psychology 809-199 Psychology of Human Relations Other 809 courses may be permitted |
3 |
Communications (Select two) 801-195 English Comp 1 801-198 Speech 801-197 Technical Communication Other 801 courses may be permitted |
6 |
Math/Science (Select one) 804-107 College Math 804-123 Math with Business Applications Other 804 or 806 courses may be permitted |
3 |
Social Science (Select one) 809-195 Economics 809-196 Introduction to Sociology 809-122 Introduction to American Government Other 809 courses may be permitted |
3 |
General Studies Electives Additional courses electives |
6-15 |
Total General Studies |
21-30 |
Individual Technical Studies |
Credits |
Core Credits Focused in one discipline |
20 |
Additional Credits Additional credits earned in other disciplines |
19-20 |
Total Individualized Technical Studies |
39-40 |
Total Credits |
60-70 |