Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary
- Advanced Technical Certificate

Program Number:
Program Credits:
Estimated Total Cost:
Typical Start:
Western's Expanded Functions Dental Auxiliary (EFDA) program offers short-term, targeted training for working dental professionals looking to broaden their responsibilities under a dentist's supervision. Through classroom and laboratory instruction, you'll learn to place and finish restoration material, apply sealants, perform coronal polishing, take impressions, and perform other newly approved procedures that streamline patient care and may enhance earning potential.
The program includes 30 clinical experiences completed at your place of employment or another approved dental office so you can immediately apply what you learn.
The Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary program runs for 8-10 weeks, primarily on Fridays and the weekends with some weeknight live lectures to attend. It is designed to accommodate working individuals, providing them with continued education opportunities to up-skill without missing work.
What Is an Advanced Technical Certificate?
An advanced technical certificate at Western builds on your existing education and experience. These specialized programs are designed to deliver career-focused skills in a condensed timeframe, helping you move forward quickly in your field. By completing the EFDA advanced technical certificate, you’ll gain the competencies needed to support a busy dental practice and contribute to more efficient patient care.
Program Outcomes
- Living responsibly
- Refining professionalism
- Cultivating passion
- Maintain infection and hazard control
- Maintain clear field of vision including isolation techniques
- Perform preventative procedures
- Perform restorative procedures
- Perform prosthodontic procedures
Admission Requirements:
College Requirements
Application Fee:
Program Specific Requirements
As a prerequisite to program enrollment, an applicant must have satisfied either 1 or 2 below.
- Applicants must have a Dental Assisting National Board, Inc. (DANB [1]) certified dental assist credential and a minimum of 1,000 hours of dental assistant practice.
OR - Applicants must have a minimum of 2,000 hours of dental assistant practice, as verified by the supervising licensed dentist.
Applicants choosing pathway 2 must also have taken Dental Health and Safety, and Dental and General Anatomy courses. Applicants who have not completed these courses may sit for a Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) exam and/or take those courses concurrently with the program.
Software and Technology
Most of Western’s classes require the use of a personal computer or laptop, standard software, internet access, and other technology-related items.
If you do not have a personal computer or laptop, or if the one you have does not meet the following criteria, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form [2].
Computer/Laptop Hardware
- Smartphones are not recommended for completing assignments.
- Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues with installing software that is needed for classes, such as Office 365.
- Web camera with microphone (usually built into newer laptops or can be purchased separately) is necessary for online participation.
Software Needs
- Western uses the Blackboard Learning Management System. Some courses may use Zoom or Microsoft Teams to meet and work virtually. Visit our website for guidance on how to access and use these tools [3].
- Office 365 (available to download for free once you have a student email)
- Recommended web browsers: Chrome or Firefox
For detailed specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes [4] on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.
Campus Resources
- Western has several computer labs available. Visit our website to find open hours and locations on the La Crosse campus [5]. Or find information on how to access resources on our Regional Locations web page [6].
- The Learning Commons has computers, webcams, and microphones available for in-house use. Our librarians recommend checking your local public library for computer access on the weekends. Staff members can also provide information on free, off-campus Wi-Fi spots. Contact them at LearningCommons@westerntc.edu [7] or call 608-785-9198.
Need Assistance?
- Contact the Learning Commons [8]! The staff are happy to answer questions, provide individualized assistance, and direct you to other supports as needed.
This course list gives you an idea of what coursework will be required but is not the official list. Current students should use the MyWestern [9] self-service portal for academic planning.