Radiography | Western Technical College


Associate Degree

Program Number: 



Financial Aid Eligible

Typical Start: 


Radiographers play an important role in the care of individuals who are ill or injured. Their primary responsibility is to ensure that diagnostic images are of the highest quality, enabling the medical team to make precise diagnoses and provide appropriate patient treatment.

In Western's program, you will gain a deep understanding of the impact of radiation on the human body, acquire the skills to accurately position patients, determine the optimal exposure settings, and learn how to safeguard both yourself and your patients from the effects of radiation.

Core classes are conducted in classroom and laboratory settings, with a strong emphasis on hands-on clinical experience within a healthcare environment. We offer classes in various formats, including traditional face-to-face, online, and blended, to accommodate your preferred learning style and schedule.

Program-specific courses are held in the Health Science Center, a shared facility located a few blocks from the La Crosse main campus. Check our maps page for specific location information.

For information about the Western Radiography program’s effectiveness data, please click here.

To view the Radiography program’s required disclosure on professional licensure, please click here.

Radiography Image
Estimated Program Costs

Estimated Program Cost


This program will cost about $10,341* based on tuition and basic program fees. There may be additional fees for books, materials, and testing. For more information on tuition costs, view the Tuition page or Cost of Attendance document.

* Tuition and fees are subject to change.

Graduation Employment Stats

Radiography 2021, 2022, & 2023 Graduation Employment Stats

Graduates Responding30
Employed in Related Occupation27
Employed in Non-related Occupations2
Seeking Employment0
Continuing Education1
Not in Labor Market1

Salary Data - Related Employment

Part TimeFull Time
Average Hours Per Week3241
Average Hourly Wage$32.00 $27.40
Hourly Wage Range$32.00 $21.10-$34.00
Average Annual Salary$62,880

Respondents in Related Occupations

  • Radiologic Technologist, Xray technologist, Multimodality Technologist, CT Technologist, Interventional Radiology Technologist, Imaging Tech II

Career Opportunities

Radiography Technologist
X-Ray Technologist
Radiology Technologist

Program Outcomes

  • Carryout the production and evaluation of radiographic images
  • Practice radiation safety principles
  • Provide quality patient care
  • Model professional and ethical behavior consistent with the A.R.R.T. Code of Ethics
  • Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the practice of diagnostic radiography

Admission Requirements

College Requirements

$30 Application Fee
High School or GED/HSED Transcript

Additional Requirements

To enroll in the Radiography program, first apply for admission to the College, then read the program’s Technical Standards and complete a background check.  You can find links to these documents below.  In addition, you must complete General Anatomy and Physiology, Developmental (or College) Biology, and Developmental (or College) Chemistry with a grade of “C” or better.  Please see the details below.

  • Radiography Technical Standards
  • Background Check
  • Complete one year of High School or one term of Developmental or College Biology
  • Complete one year of High School or one term of Developmental or College Chemistry
  • General Anatomy and Physiology (10806177)
  • If COVID vaccines are required by a clinical partner, you will be notified.

Software and Technology

Most of Western’s classes require the use of a personal computer or laptop, standard software, internet access, and other technology-related items.

If you do not have a personal computer or laptop, or if the one you have does not meet the following criteria, resources may be available. Submit a Student Resource Request using our online form.

Computer/Laptop Hardware

  • Smartphones are not recommended for completing assignments.
  • Chromebooks are not recommended due to issues with installing software that is needed for classes, such as Office 365.
  • Web camera with microphone (usually built into newer laptops or can be purchased separately) is necessary for online participation.

Software Needs

For detailed specifications, please review Technology and Software Recommendations for Most Classes on Western’s IT Knowledgebase.

Campus Resources

Need Assistance?

  • Contact the Learning Commons! The staff are happy to answer questions, provide individualized assistance, and direct you to other supports as needed.


Western’s Radiography program is accredited by the
Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology
20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182

The program’s current award is 8 years. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here

For more information about the JRCERT, please visit

Additional Information

Our Health and Public Safety programs are required to report additional information to prospective students, including certification exams, licensure, program completion rates, etc. You can find this information in the documents below:

Program Contact

Kathryn Scriver
Program Chair, Radiography

Transfer Agreements

Grand Canyon University
University of WI - La Crosse
University of WI - Oshkosh

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